Monday, December 26, 2011

Why Spray Foam Is Better than Traditional Insulation

Insulating your home or addition can be one of the most expensive yet value-added improvements that you can decide to utilize. The proper choices in methods and materials for your insulation job can mean the difference between a procedure that pays for itself rather quickly and one that may simply need to be readdressed in the near future. With the recent advancements in the practice of insulating homes and new products such as spray foam options, how do you know which material is the best choice for you? Following are the top 10 reasons that spray foam is a far better choice than traditional fiberglass insulation options:1.R-Value Isn't EverythingMany homeowners tend to concern themselves with nothing more than the touted R-value of an insulation material. Yes, this number can give an idea of how well a material insulates a home, but does nothing to consider airflow. Regardless of how high your R-value is, if your insulation lets air enter or escape your home, it is far less effective and reliable. Air leaks allow heat to escape, cold air to get in, and moisture can also accumulate within the walls, which is why traditional insulation can start to fail after some time.2.Pests and Rodent ConsiderationsEnsuring you have an airtight seal also keeps pests and rodents at bay. Without a way to enter your home, it is far less likely you will see them very often. Spray foam provides a dense barrier that insects will forego trying to eat through; they will simply look for an easier port of entry elsewhere. This foam may also be sprayed around windows and other joints in order to keep pests from entering in these areas too.3.Return on InvestmentSpray foam is so much more efficient and effective than traditional sources of insulation that you will quickly notice a difference in energy bills and thus recoup costs in angry bird a relatively short amount of time. Even though your initial investment in material may be higher, it should be considered an investment in your home. You will notice a difference in the costs to heat and cool your home, largely because any air leaks will be sealed. 4.Tax CreditsAlthough tax deductions normally exist for nearly any type of home improvement project or undertaking, special tax credits are currently available for homeowners who choose to invest in spray foam insulation. These types of special credits tend to come and go, so if you plan to Air Swimmers insulate soon, take advantage of it now while it is still available. This simply translates into more money being put back into your pocket.5.Green ChoicesSpray foam insulation provides a greener choice in material, making it safer for you and your family as well as anyone who is directly exposed to it during the application process. With all home improvement products leaning toward Air Swimmers earth-friendly materials and ingredients today, your spray foam should also provide a quality product with very little or no hazardous pollutants and fumes.6.Faster and EasierWhen compared to traditional insulation, spray foam is also much faster and easier to install. It can be sprayed into an existing wall or area without tearing the entire structure apart, and can be quickly sprayed on walls that have yet to be finished during a new build or remodel. The spray nozzle is swept from side to side to ensure an even coat, and the foam does not drip and make a mess if applied appropriately.7.Do-it-Yourself OptionsSpray foam manufacturers often offer instructions and kits that make it easy for the homeowner to install it themselves, too. You needn't have extensive construction or home improvement knowledge or experience to successfully apply your own foam!8.Higher Resale ValuesBetter insulating properties and green materials used in a home that has spray foam versus fiberglass insulation also contribute to a higher resale value in the future. Homeowners today are far more willing to pay top dollar for lower maintenance and energy costs as well as earth-friendly and modern materials.9.Mold and Mildew ConcernsAllergies are an increasing concern among homeowners, especially those with small children or chronic breathing problems. Spray foam reduces the chances that a homeowner will ever have to deal with mold or mildew in their walls because the material keeps both air and moisture out. Traditional materials may actually foster the growth of mold and mildew by trapping moisture in the wall.10.Longer LifeFinally, spray foam may actually provide optimal insulation for a much longer time than traditional materials due to the above properties. Blocking drafts and airflow means that moisture and pests are not able to foster the breakdown and deterioration of your investment.

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