Monday, December 5, 2011

Blastoff and Prepaid Legal Join Forces

Prepaid Legal and the Blastoff Network is going to explode virally. As you merge in a established company like Prepaid Legal, your sales organization is going to massively grow. Get in now and ride the wave?I have heard this type of promotion from Prepaid Legal associates since the announcement from these two companies. I wanted to do my homework for myself and determine the good, the bad and the ugly in order to give it a good evaluation.Below is the summary of my finding for these two companies.Blastoff Network is operated by a Texas based company Blastoff Communications, LLC. Blastoff is a new online affiliate shopping network, where the users can earn cash back rewards and as well earn small commissions when a user recommends others to shop with Blastoff.Blastoff announced a partnership recently at the Pre-Paid Legal 2009 leadership summit conference in Las Vegas. Pre-Paid Legal associates will be able to manage Blastoff Network’s home page to promote their Prepaid Legal services.The objective of the partnership between the two organizations is to allow the independent Prepaid Legal representatives to promote Prepaid Legal services to the Blastoff Network clients.Now with the facts laid out, let’s talk about it in particle terms.The Blastoff Network shopping network will have an intial interest for some added discounts and savings. For the independent representative, it Motorcycle Helmet is a win/win because they are getting their message out. It is highly doubtful that it will take over the internet by storm. It is just hilarious how many over excited PPD reps told me that Blastoff will go beyond Google and facebook in no time.The Blastoff Network is a paid buying network site. Presently, every major website that grew virally has absolutely no paid incentive. There do not exist any paid networking sites that have even thought of challenging such free networking sites like Linkedin, Facebook or Twitter.Being a network marketing veteran, this business will always be a people business, based on build solid relationships, development of leaders and keep building to you find the ones that want to build a solid sales organization.To properly build a solid sales organization with a company like Prepaid Legal, you must bring into your organization leaders that understand network marketing and has the ability to bring customers in too.But in order to magnetize the right leaders that will secure a solid residual in PPD, one will need to provide exceptional leadership and value.In the conclusion, Blastoff network is not a magic solution to Pre-Paid Legal representatives to increase their businesses. This isa very good move on the part of Prepaid Legal because it Iphone 4s Expand Keyboard is building a lot of enthusiasm across the Prepaid Legal Representaives.More associates will take more action when there is excitement.When we all entered the network marketing industry, we all wanted to build financial independence and solid residual income but each of the Prepaid representatives must learn the basics of generating qualified leads and building an organization. Blastoff is not a fairy-tale solution that will eliminate the basics.Network marketing and online internet marketing will not go away with this announcement of Blastoff. The top producers in internet marketing have multiple traffic generators to drive traffic and generate sales using direct response marketing. Simply sharing a online shopping network is just not logical enough to grow a business.In order to make internet marketing work to grow a Pre-Paid Legal business, one will need to learn how to self generate a minimum of 10 high qualify leads that are looking into the network marketing industry daily.In conclusion, no matter which network marketing company you represent, the foundation skills of network marketing needs to be learned from each independent representative. The bottom liine is if you cannot get in front of enough high-quality buyers, it will almost impossible to make an income regardless of your company affiliation. If you like to learn how market opportunities like Prepaid Legal online, please visit my blog at or my other site at

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