Thursday, April 25, 2013

Find the perfect Life jacket children

A life jacket child is an essential item for your beloved child, who is planning to take part in those activities involving water. Drowning is a common occurrence in children that do not know how to swim. Even children that know how to swim have been reported drowning, which is why it is important to own adequate floatation devices. Ensuring that your child wears their life jacket will ultimately lower their chances of drowning significantly.
It's also very important that you choose the right size life jacket for your child, as you want to make sure that you do not waste money and of course, that your child remains safe. A jacket that does not fit your child properly will not be useful. The first step for ensuring that you find the right jacket is to determine your child's weight. A child that weighs 30 to 40 pounds will need a medium life jacket. A child that weighs between 40 and 50 pounds will require a large life jacket, and one that weighs between 50 and 60 pounds will require an extra large life jacket.
One problem in particular that you may encounter with youth life jackets is those that are too short or uncomfortable for your child to wear. Communicate with your little one about how the jacket feels. You should also examine the jacket yourself to ensure that your child looks comfortable. Be sure that the jacket is snug, but not too tight nor too loose.
Depending on the brand, you may notice a significant difference in the way that the jacket is made. Less expensive brands are not necessarily considered "cheap". However, if you are going to purchase youth life jackets for your children, it is highly recommended that you make sure that you are purchasing a jacket that will protect your child to the fullest extent. Obviously, you cannot put a price on the life of a child.
Although you may feel 100 percent certain that your child can swim, especially if your child is older, you can never be too sure. There are approximately 4,000 children drown per year. Approximately 19 percent of all drowning occur in the presence of a lifeguard in a public setting, which means that you should make sure that your child wears their floatation device anytime they plan on getting into a pool or other body of water.
It only takes a few seconds for a child to drown. Research has suggested that all it takes is one teaspoon of water to drown a child. Most parents believe their children will be okay if they decide to walk away for a second, but the truth is, one second quickly turns into two minutes, which is approximately the amount of time it takes to completely drown. If your child is left unattended without a life jacket, he or she may not completely drown, but may suffer permanent brain injuries or end up in a coma from almost drowning and lack of oxygen to the brain.
Of course, every parent knows that drowning is a serious manner. But, most parents don't believe that it will happen to their child. Even if you consider yourself an expert swimmer, it's important to remember that life jacket children are essential to prevent drowning, as your child is still only a child and there is always the chance that something may go wrong, something that no parent ever wants to imagine happening to their child.

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