Thursday, March 22, 2012

Minuteman Press - Dallas Printing Companies Understand Pantone Colors… Now You Can Too!

Go to any Dallas printing company for your color print needs and you’re likely to be asked to name the Pantone color(s) that are required to complete your job. However, if you’re not familiar with the term “Pantone” (or “PMS”, as the Pantone Matching System is also known), don’t worry. Below, we give a few pointers in what Pantone is and how you can use it. Before you know it, you’ll be able to speak to any Dallas printing business with total ease about the Pantone colors that are right for you.What is Pantone?Several decades ago, printers, including Dallas printing companies, were faced with a quandary. How could they make sure that they could effectively and exactly reproduce the colors their clients needed for print jobs? This was especially important, of course, for customers with Nail Brush colored logos; after all, the logos needed to be consistent. One brochure or business card’s logo should be consistent with another.The problem was solved by Pantone, Inc, a corporation from the New Jersey area which created a patented matching system. Pantone developed a system whereby each color was given a “code” and a formula. This created an across-the-board consistency that was difficult to ensure previously. Thus, a printer in Dallas and a printer in London could easily create the same shade of red using the specific Pantone formula that was needed to complete the job. Not only did it streamline the way that printers worked, but it also made it easy for clients to describe the perfect color… over the telephone! And make no mistake about it – there are plenty of colors in the Pantone system from which to choose. Currently, Pantone has over 1,100 of them, including a new “color of the year” that’s added annually. (For 2009, it was the vivid “Mimosa”.)Using Pantone:As more printers and graphic designers began to embrace the Pantone system, it became fairly standard around the globe. Thus, Dallas printers began to ask the question of their clientele: “What Pantone colors should be used on this project?”Of course, for some people who are new to using Dallas printing companies, the inquiry seems strange. After all, if you haven’t been in the printing industry or designed graphics, you are probably unaccustomed to talking about hues and shades in “Pantone” terms.Really, it’s not that tough to figure out which Pantone color to use, though. In fact, the Pantone company sells special swatches to help individuals and businesses determine exactly which Pantone colors are desired for their print work. And any Dallas printing company representative should also be very quick to help you choose.Who knows? You may just become so enamoured with the idea Iphone 4s Charger of creating colors with the Pantone system that you want to buy some plastic squares (Pantone offers them) and play around with your own formulations. Just be sure to write down the names of the colors that you choose so the next run of your brochure, corporate letterhead or similar piece of printed materials matches perfectly with the last.For more information, visit MmPDFW.

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