Monday, January 9, 2012

Does Homeschooling Makes A Child Happy - New Way Of Analysis

As a private tutor, I had a personal question Does homeschooling children are happy? But after handling tutoring classes for many homeschooling students in last year I came to a conclusion and thought of sharing my ideas to you all.Homeschooled children are HAPPY in many ways. Not only children but also parents and personal tutors who take care of them are also happy in their own ways. On Childrens Perspective:I heard seven year old child saying Mom thanks for putting me in homeschooling, Goodbye to horrible public school life. Many children feel Ipad Accessories difficulties in public school education. They are burdened with bulk of subjects syllabus and face difficulties in understanding Math, science concepts. On the other hand, in homeschooling, children are not dumped with academic education. Homeschooling syllabus is pretty good and interesting. Private tutors schedule homeschooling syllabus and work out accordingly on daily basis. So students feel relaxed and tension-free environment. This will boost their positive energy and make to concentrate more on studies. One child may like dancing whereas other one may like to learn Spanish. Personal interests or hobbies may vary from child to child. Grouping all in same class would be ridiculous. Of course all public schools do that. But homeschooling focus on students interests too. Moms ideas about homeschooling:Before a month I tutored a cute looking girl named Jancy. She was a special needs child. Her mom came to me with a request that Jancy is constantly failing in her exams and need private tutoring help. From very next day I took tutoring classes for Jancy in her home. Initially she struggled to speak with me and found hard to sit and listen Wholesale Shoes to my tutoring sections. Later I said motivational stories and made her to feel comfortable to learn. Two weeks passed and she started to talk with me and showed improvement in studies.Finally her mom found that Jancy was not treated properly in public Wholesale Computer Accessories school because she is a special child. Thus Jancy was discontinued from public school and was into homeschooling. I and her mom were so happy on seeing the child learning in homeschooling classes. I arranged a group of five special students to learn along with Jancy. Now they became friends and started to enjoy homeschooling life.Private tutors Point of view:There are many private tutors like me supporting homeschooling because benefits of homeschooling may be many but reason behind is Job satisfaction. Private tutors have great time while tutoring a special kid or when helping a child who faces difficulties in reading. Our tutoring career is treated as a gift through which we provide services.

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